AmigaOS3.5 (956/967)

Date:31 May 2000 at 18:18:41
Subject:Re: cps rates

Liam replied to Mark

> > what is the average cps rates ? i use miami with yam..
> Well on my A12OO 030 Pace 56k modem, Using Miami, I connect at
> 5,200 & my download speeds are between 5,400/5,500cps Upload
> speeds are around 3,300cps. I'm told that this is very good speed.
> Don't really know what the average speed is for other users....

I get similar results on a Flex 56K (Rockwell chipset) with A2000
Bliz2060 and Miami/YAM/Ibrowse.

It makes sense; 56,000 bits/sec modem data rate, normally an 8bit
byte has packet overhead taking it up to effective ten bits, so
divide the 56,000 by 10 and there you are. If you have the data
compression active you might do better, but it needs to be on at
both ends of the link. Noisy lines cause retries, duff ISPs make
you wait for your destination to respond before transmitting email,
rather than just caching it and sending you an error message later
if it fails. These kinds of things slow down the average.

Kind Regards

Richard Stevens
These are my words and nothing to do with my employer.

Accurate impartial advice on everything from laptops to table saws.